Everyone deserves a place

The market leader in the electricity market wants to contribute to inclusive arenas for everyone and has launched a broad campaign to clarify this role. With the message “Everyone deserves a place”, NOSLEEPTILLBROOKLYN has helped facilitate both activiations and advertising.
For the first time, Fjordkraft is bringing together its largest sponsorships under one common vision, and the strategy includes a holistic activation concept that covers brand activities, communication and impact measurement.
- Fjordkraft's sponsorship strategy demonstrates our commitment to supporting positive, socially engaging projects that provide lasting value for both sport and culture in local communities. Our partnerships will facilitate unity, well-being, health and ensure that everyone can have more good experiences - no matter who you are and where you come from. Investing time and effort in such projects is absolutely necessary to ensure successful sponsor activation, and the collaboration with NOSLEEPTILLBROOKLYN has been clarifying for the company and also valuable for the sponsors
says Andreas Monsen Johansen, Marketing Manager at Fjordkraft.
The team from NOSLEEPTILLBROOKLYN is advisor Alexander Solberg, project manager Andreas Storhaug, art director Pål Wehus and strategist/copywriter Aris Theophilakis.
The film is produced by PåFIlm and Ole Marius Elvestad with Oscar Bø directing.